✦ DIY doesn't have to suck. Master it in a week. ✦

Squarespace Web Portals for Visionaries + Misfit Brands that Crave an Undeniably Magical Digital Experience

You and your magic need more than just a website. A web portal ✧ is an immersive digital experience that amplifies your brand's vibe, showcasing the magical core of your work to magnetize your dream clients.

beam me up cutie
Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  
Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  Ay, is this you? ↓  

Your DIY website looks like...something but it's not you and your brand.

It's scattershot and doesn't begin to capture your magic. You've tried to improve it but where do you start when you know you're magical as fuck but the result feels aggressively meh.

You had a very lovely and talented but decidedly non-magical human create your website...

and now you hate looking at it. It's fine, you guess but it doesn't scream THIS IS ME AND I AM IN MY POWER. And you want that, no more hiding. You want to present the raw, uncut truth of who you are and what you do.

Whatever the path was, it's just not working

Now, imagine an aligned digital experience that captures your brand's essence and proudly magnetizes your people.

It's bold, it demands attention, and it's all you. What does it feel like?

In the body, especially in your heart center and in your gut. Really, take a minute and tune in. What does true alignment feel like to you? Then, imagine how that true alignment might impact the people you serve. When you step into greater possibility, what becomes available to them?

Yes, really, close your eyes and really experience your vision. You're safe here to let it run free.

The reality can be that and more.

All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  
All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  All is possible now  ✺  

There's nothing wrong with you or your vision, you just haven't found the right partner.

You can absolutely have the web presence that feels like heaven, looks amazing, and calls in the people you want to serve like a beacon.

The thing is, creating a true web portal rather than a simple informational website takes time, experience, and guts. You've definitely got the guts, with vision and grit to boot (no one is doing what you're doing in this exact way, that's fucking powerful.) Time, though, is tricky for a business owner and maybe you don't have the years of experience your dream web presence is asking for.

But isn't it nice to know that you're not meant to go it alone? That out there in the world are other magical, mystical, delightfully weird humans who get you and have the chops to make your dreams come true?

Squarespace Web Portals bridge the gaps between strategy, creativity, and pure unadulterated witch-friendly weirdness.

Because no, you aren't too weird. And that rebellious streak of yours is a strength. While we're at it, no one else is doing it exactly like you because you're one of a kind, baby.

Sword + Stone is a tech studio catering to those who refuse to be bound and caged by what our physical senses perceive. I'm a working mystic and psychic, designer, and software developer who traipses between the unseen and the visible world to craft magical digital experiences.

Marry divination and channeling with strategy and design to create endless possibilities for your brand's digital home.

The web portal that you felt earlier already exists, it's just waiting for you to align with it and make it manifest in the here and now. The world you envision for yourself, your brand, and your people is right there. You can reach out and grab it.

Offering Details

Squarespace web portals are channeled, alchemized, designed, and built over 8 weeks.

  • ① channeling and divination session for the brand.

    An Akashic journey where you'll receive clarity and messages from the soul of your business and your guides, along with guidance for our work together. If you're not comfortable, this is not a requirement but it's available for those who desire it.

  • ② Website strategy session

    It's not just about the look and the energy. We'll dive deep into your brand, your current analytics (if you have them), and your goals to craft the best strategy to meet your practical goals for the web portal.

  • ③ Web design mockups

    To prep for design, I'll create low-fidelity (aka no design) mockups of your web portal. At this step, we'll ensure all needed content is present and that the flow of the site achieves your goals. Includes an optional round of revision.

  • ④ Copywriting

    Copy is not included as part of this offering but after the mockups are finalized, I'll give you a list of narrative prompts and guidance to help you craft copy that aligns with your brand and goals. If you already have copy or a copywriter, I'll ask you to get that to me as soon as possible before the handoff.

  • ⑤ Divinely aligned web design

    The big kahuna! Your web portal's full design is created, alchemizing our energetic, strategic, and visual efforts to this point. Includes an optional round of revision. Includes an optional round of revision.

  • ⑥ Go live and post-launch support

    After I launch your new digital baby into the world, I'll be available for priority support 30 days after launch. Even then, you can always email me and I'm happy to help where appropriate.

Investment: $6,500. Payment plans available.

Book Now

Is This for You?

This is how I work. Try it on for size and see if it feels right:

  • ✧ Squarespace web portals are for the mystics and weirdos who aren't afraid to play in the unseen. You don't have to have a specific belief system to work with me, but openness makes the process more magical!
  • ✧ I live for bold and curious humans and their brands. If you're looking for drab, boho, or otherwise meh, 'tis a no from me, mon amie.
  • ✧ You've been at your work long enough to know what you need and what you like. If you've had zero clients or customers, have never put anything out into the world, and only have a three-year-old "Coming Soon!" picture on your biz IG account, you are not ready for this offering.
  • Branding isn't included at this time. If you're ready for a portal but don't feel quite there with your branding, take care of that first. I have some recommendations I can send you if you want me to build your web portal.
  • Clear communication is a form of respect. Your feedback and honesty is vital to our working relationship and the outcome. If your schedule changes, if you don't like something, if you love something, if something makes you feel a way that's hard to explain, tell me!

If that all feels great to read, click here make it official ↓

Investment: $6,500. Payment plans available.

Book Now

Our work together can be as spiritual or as earthly as you're comfortable with.

You may not think of yourself as a spiritual person, but I can guarantee the shifts you and your business experience will feel like magic. Just ask Tifani Truelove:

Book your transformation ↓

Investment: $6,500. Payment plans available.

Book Now

Your Investment

Squarespace web portals are $6,500 for everything listed above and up to 6 designed and built pages. These pages and individual sections can be used endlessly and extended. Additional designed + built pages can be added for $500 each.

Projects take 8 weeks and I'm currently booking November and December launches.

Payment plans are available for up to 3 months. Your deliverables will be directly tied to your payments to maintain balance and integrity for all involved.

Paying in full? You'll get a bonus Midjourney AI art session where we'll create 10 custom stock images your brand can use and edit endlessly across all channels.

Ready to say YES to that big, dreamy vision you tapped into earlier?

Book your web portal now

Investment: $6,500. Payment plans available.

Book Now

I cannot wait to work with you!

Got qs first? Fill out this inquiry form to schedule a call with me.

Who Even Are You???

Hi! It's me, Brit – software developer, designer, artist, and professional weirdo extraordinaire. I help my fellow mystics, creatives, and weirdos create magnetic digital experiences.

  • 💥 I've been a full-time software developer since 2016 because I believe that tech needs more magic and intention. I work with the coolest people on the planet (aka folks like you) to craft digital experiences where the vibes are right and tight.
  • 💥 As a software developer, I can work with anything, but I love building web portals on the Squarespace. It's the easiest way for solo-to-small teams to get a fantastic web presence that they can easily manage and update without breaking the bank.
  • 💥 Je suis une huge nerd. I love film, TV, and the written word. When I'm not coding, designing, or teaching, I'm reading or, watching film and TV from around the world, writing, or making something with my hands. Multitudes and all that jazz.
  • 💥 Spiritual, mystical practices are a huge part of my life and my work. I've been divining the websites and apps I create since I was a Geocities obsessed kid!
mixed media image of brit taking a selfie in front of a starry portal

  • How long does the process take?

    8 weeks from kick-off! Currently booking kick-offs for October. If you want to launch before winter holidays, now's the time to book.

  • What's the investment?

    You skipped right down to the FAQs, didn't you? I do the same thiiiing. K, it's $6,500 for up to 6 pages. Additional designed + built pages are $530 each, but keep in mind, you can endlessly duplicate and remix the 6 templates. Most people don't have enough content to warrant the additional pages. Ask me if you're not sure.

    This offer does not include branding or copy, those must be done separately but I can point you in the right direction if you're DIY-ing it or want to partner with a pro on either.

  • I'm interested in working together, but this doesn't exactly meet my needs. Do you offer custom packages?

    Boy, do I! Inquire for more info and I'll get back to you. FYI – I give flat rates, not quotes 🤙🏽

  • I don't know anything about this tech stuff; is Squarespace the right platform for my biz or something else? Maybe custom?

    If you're a solo or small biz, service-based biz, or a small organization, Squarespace is stellar. It's dead simple to get started with either and even the most avowed luddite can learn to use them with ease.

    You can handle all of your content, e-commerce (incl digital downloads), scheduling, a blog, a shop, or even a members-only area all within Squarespace. They also have a donation feature baked in, which is great for community + non-profit sites who want to give folks an option to give back.

    But if you need something highly custom with one-of-a-kind features, integrations, and interactivity, that's sure to be a custom platform. The process to start is the same,inquire now to start the ball rolling and get your fixed-rate proposal.

  • Which site builder platforms do you work with?

    I'm currently only booking Squarespace but am open to other platforms like Kajabi. If this is what you need, inquire so that we can talk about your exact needs and how we might be able to work together.

  • Will you teach me how to use the new platform?

    Of course! In addition to a live training sesh, part of your site build includes a library with all the walkthroughs and how-tos you need to start using the platform like a pro.

  • This is magical, but I need a totally custom platform. Like, completely custom-coded, fully loaded with features, headless CMS, and all that jazz.

    Amazing! Full-stack web apps are my bread and butter, baby. as a full-stack software developer, I can build almost anything in the digital realm! If you find yourself outgrowing templated platforms and want to build a totally custom experience, I do that, too. Fill out an inquiry form if that's your jam. To be clear, custom projects start at $15k, double that if you're looking to build a mobile app.

    After our chat, you'll get a detailed proposal with timelines and fixed rates (no ever-expanding estimates here.)

  • Do you offer payment plans?

    Yep! Standard options are: pay in full or split into 2 or 3 monthly payments. However, I'm open to extending the payment plan. Simply communicate your needs on the form and I'll see where we meet.

    Keep in mind that deliverables are tied to payment cuz ✨balance✨ is vital. Payment terms will be listed in your contract

Are you ready to make the vision manifest?

Squarespace web portals are $6,500 for everything listed above and up to 6 designed and built pages. These pages and individual sections can be used endlessly and extended. Additional designed + built pages can be added for $500 each.

Projects take 8 weeks and I'm currently booking November and December launches.

Payment plans are available for up to 3 months. Your deliverables will be directly tied to your payments to maintain balance and integrity for all involved.

Paying in full? You'll get a bonus Midjourney AI art session where we'll create 10 custom stock images your brand can use and edit endlessly across all channels.

Ready to say YES to that big, dreamy vision you tapped into earlier?

Book your web portal now

Investment: $6,500. Payment plans available.

Book Now

I cannot wait to work with you!

Got qs first? Fill out this inquiry form to schedule a call with me.